@extends('admin.layouts.master') @section('title', 'Setting - Admin') @section('maincontent') @include('admin.layouts.topbar',$data)
{{ __('Google Meetings Settings') }}
{{ __('Upload') }}
@php $auth_email = Auth::user()->email; $path = 'files/googlemeet'.'/'.$auth_email; @endphp
@if(file_exists(public_path().'/'.$path.'/'.'client_secret.json')) {{ __('Download') }}

{{ __('No File Found') }}

{{ __('How to get Google Meet clientsecret.json file') }} :

  • {{ __('Use the link to create or select a project in the google developers console and automatically turn on the APi. Click continue then') }} {{ __('go to credential') }}. : {{ __('Google Cloud Platform') }}
  • {{ __('On the') }} {{ __('Add credentials to your project') }} {{ __('click the') }} {{ __('Cancel') }} {{ __('button') }}.
  • {{ __('At the top of the page, select the') }} {{ __('Oauth consent screen') }}{{ __('tab. Select an') }} {{ __('Email Address') }}, {{ __('Enter product name if not already set and click the') }} {{ __('Save') }} {{ __('button') }}.
  • {{ __('Select the') }} {{ __('Credentials') }} {{ __('tab, click the') }} {{ __('Create Credentials') }} {{ __('button and select') }} {{ __('Oauth client id') }}.
  • {{ __('Use this URL as Redirect URL') }} {{ url('oauth') }}
  • {{ __('Select the application type') }} {{ __('Other') }}, {{ __('enter the name "googlemeet". and click the') }} {{ __('Create') }} {{ __('button') }}.
  • {{ __('Click') }} Ok {{ __('to dismiss the resulting dialog') }}.
  • {{ __('Click the') }} {{ __('download json') }} {{ __('button to the right of the client id') }}.
  • {{ __('Upload your') }} {{ __('(Downloaded json)') }} {{ __('file') }}.
@endsection @section('script') @endsection